<%set string cmodel="index"%> <%template src="_header.html"%> <%template src="_indexbanner.html"%>

Product application field

R&D and production of high-tech enterprises


Boutique Case

R&D and production of high-tech enterprises

<%set DataTable caselist=get_article_list("case_en",4,"status=0 and is_red=1")%> <%foreach(DataRow dr in caselist.Rows)%> <%/foreach%>

Company News

Pay attention to Jiahaihui's dynamics and focus on cutting-edge information

<%set DataTable newslist=get_article_list("newslist_en",4,"status=0 and is_red=1")%> <%foreach(DataRow dr in newslist.Rows)%> <%/foreach%>

Strategic Partners

Partner is the theme of warmth....

    <%set DataTable partner=get_plugin_method("DTcms.Web.Plugin.Images", "images", "get_images_list", "partner_en", "is_lock=0")%> <%foreach(DataRow dr in partner.Rows)%>
  • <%/foreach%>
<%template src="_footer.html"%>